General terms and conditions

Black Royal Transfer > General terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Business Royal Road GmbH


The present General Terms and Conditions of Business regulate the conclusion, content and execution of services between the company Royal Road GmbH as the contractor (hereinafter Royal Road GmbH) and the customer (hereinafter referred to as customer). These terms and conditions apply to this contract between Royal Road GmbH and the customer. They also apply to all future contracts concluded between Royal Road GmbH and the customer. The general terms and conditions do not apply if the parties have made a different regulation in individual cases. If the customer places an order with Royal Road GmbH, he also accepts these General Terms and Conditions.


A written offer is valid for 10 days. Telephone information is only binding if it has been confirmed in writing by Royal Road GmbH.

Conclusion of contract

The order/contract comes about based on the customer's order (by e-mail, telephone or website contact form and by the written confirmation of the company Royal Road GmbH The order is binding as soon as it is confirmed by Royal Road GmbH and the customer in writing or on another In addition, our general terms and conditions apply.

Range of services

According to the terms and conditions, Royal Road GmbH is entitled to have services provided by third parties.

Terms of payment

All prices are in CHF (Swiss francs) excluding VAT. Payments in EURO or US Dollars are possible. These are billed at the respective daily exchange rate. Unless otherwise agreed, payments are to be made within 10 days of invoicing and without any deductions. If this payment deadline is not met, the first reminder is sent, the customer still does not make the payment, the customer is in default without further reminder, the customer has several invoices for payment, unless otherwise stated, the first one is due, and the older one is due among several debt due for payment.

Prices and scope Royal Road GmbH GmbH

The prices offered include the following services such as vehicle, maintenance and insurance of the vehicle, driver and fuel. The journey there and back, as well as standing or waiting times, are part of the order and will be charged to the customer. More kilometers and travel times, parking, tunnel, toll, ferry and motorway fees outside of Switzerland, telephone calls and expenses for non-agreed special customer claims are not included in the price and will be charged to the customer. Driver's expenses (from 4 hours of use a snack), hotel accommodation driver per night and Internet access per day.

Tipping the driver as a thank you for superior service and competent, attentive care is optional at the discretion of the customer.

Provision of services and retention of title

Royal Road GmbH reserves the right to provide services only after advance payment by the customer. Royal Road GmbH is exclusively bound to deadlines agreed in writing. Unless otherwise agreed, changes to the order result in the cancellation of the previously specified dates and deadlines. In cases of force majeure or other events for which Royal Road GmbH is not responsible, the performance periods are extended accordingly. Rebookings and cancellations of services reserved by the customer at Royal Road GmbH must be made in writing and only become legally valid with a written confirmation from Royal Road GmbH. Royal Road GmbH is entitled to charge a compensation or cancellation costs. Any clarifications and preparations that have already been made will be invoiced.

Termination by Royal Road GmbH

A termination of the contract by the customer is only possible if there is an important reason. The termination is only effective if it is made in writing. If a driving order is canceled after a definitive order has been placed, the following cancellation terms and conditions apply:

Limousines, vans and SUVs up to 7 people;

Within 24 hours before departure 30%

Within 12 hours before departure and no-show 80%

Minibuses from 8 people and coaches;

Up to 20 days before departure CHF 100.00

19-4 days before departure 25%

3-0 days before departure and no-show 100%

Warranty and Liability

Royal Road GmbH, including its employees, is liable for any legal reason, exclusively for damage based on the breach of a primary contractual obligation (cardinal obligation) incumbent on it, or for damage caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct.

Royal Road GmbH assumes no liability for events of force majeure. In particular due to forces of nature, traffic jams, breakdowns, accidents, incorrect travel information provided by the customer or unforeseeable events that occur beyond our control. All vehicles at Royal Road GmbH are non-smoking vehicles. If the rear of the vehicle is excessively soiled by the customer, Royal Road GmbH reserves the right to charge the customer for the cleaning costs. Royal Road GmbH adheres to working hours and rest periods in every respect.

Privacy policy

Royal Road GmbH guarantees the protection of personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act and the relevant legal norms. Discretion is guaranteed with every order. All customer data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

The place of jurisdiction is the Canton of Zurich/Switzerland.

The contracts concluded on the basis of these GTC and the GTC themselves are subject to Swiss law.

Final Provisions

Royal Road GmbH reserves the right to amend this website at any time within the framework of these General Terms and Conditions. Conditions and content published on this website are binding guidelines. Royal Road GmbH reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes will be communicated to the customer in a suitable manner, in particular through corresponding publications on this website. Royal Road GmbH rejects any liability for all publications by or about Royal Road GmbH or third parties. General terms and conditions of the customer are not part of the contract, even if Royal Road GmbH does not expressly contradict these conditions. Unless otherwise agreed, the place of performance for all services is Royal Road GmbH. The company headquarters Royal Road GmbH Canton Zurich/Switzerland. These GTC apply from November 1st, 2022 until revoked.
